New Words for the Oxford English Dictionary

August 19, 2011


The OED has acknowledged the following words among others and has added them to their list of new words. So if anyone who are not “in” with today’s ever-evolving lingo, they may now consult OED.


Retweet - "repost or a forward" of a message on the social networking site Twitter

Sexting - the "the sending of sexually explicit photographs or messages" via mobile phone

Cyberbullying - The use of information technology to bully a person by sending or posting text or images of an intimidating or threatening nature

Jeggings - Leggings resembling tight jeans

Mankini - Bikini for men

Woot -  used to express elation, enthusiasm, or triumph

Noob - a person who is inexperienced in a particular sphere or activity, especially computing or the use of the Internet.


Before these, Internet jargons such as LOL or Laugh Out Loud and IMHO or In My Humble Opinion were also added.



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